

The Kitchen’s newsletter contains news, events and other types of offers from our startup hub.

Don’t miss out on inspiration and tips for your business.

What you get

  • Workshops and events for entrepreneurs
  • Talks with upcoming startups or established brands
  • Portraits of entrepreneurial students and researchers
  • Hand-picked stories from the community at our hub
  • Other offers to help you build or accelerate your business

About our newsletter

Our newsletter is for everyone interested in entrepreneurship, no matter your affiliation with The Kitchen or Aarhus University. Both students and researchers at AU and startups outside of the university can sign up and benefit. For instance, most of our workshops are open to everyone.

The newsletter is in English and you will receive about 8-10 issues per year. By signing up, you consent to the processing of your data in accordance with our privacy policy.

You can unsubscribe from our e-mails at any time. Just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our newsletters.

BONUS: Corporate newsletter

We also have a corporate newsletter on business collaboration and innovation at Aarhus University called Nyheder fra Erhverv og Innovation. When you sign up to The Kitchen’s newsletter, you can choose to sign up to this newsletter as well and stay updated on general activities at AU related to entrepreneurship. Read more about the corporate newsletter.

If you’re an alumnus, student or employee at Aarhus University, you might also want to join our Alumni Network and receive special offers and discounts. Read about the Alumni Network and register.

Sign up now

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