
The Kitchen FAQ

Table of contents


This is your practical guide to navigating The Kitchen. So whether you need to find out how to book a meeting room or when you can meet the accountant this is where you'll find the info.


Address and post

Visitors and postal address: Universitetsbyen 14, 8000 Aarhus C. Building 1740.

Package delivery address: Peter Sabroes Gade 7, 8000 Aarhus C As a part of The Kitchen you can use The Kitchens address for your company.

Letters sent to the main address mailbox will be emptied by the staff and put in the mailbox for startups in Co-Lab. There is a postal center in the basement of The Kitchen.

The address is Peter Sabroes gade 7, 8000 Aarhus C.

The couriers have access on weekdays from 6.30-16.00. If you wish to have a locker, contact the staff to make a printed sign and bring your own pad lock. Each start-up must sign a POA with each courier you use to get packages delivered without having to sign for them.


You can park your car for free for 4 hours at the parking lot opposite the main entrance of The Kitchen.

Always check the sign at the parking lot for updated information

Access to The Kitchen

When your student or employee card is activated you can access The Kitchen 24/7 by swiping your card. Before 7.30 AM and after 16.30 PM you need to enter your 4 digit pin code. If you forget your pin code, you can make a new one at www.pinkode.au.dk. If you don't have an AU card, please write to thekitchen@au.dk. When you leave a room in The Kitchen please make sure to close the windows.

Office space

We have a limited number of private offices that you can apply to get access to for a six month period. Applications must be sent to thekitchen@au.dk. Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis.


If you need a place to store your belongings you can get a private locker in The Kitchen. Contact the staff to get a key.

Meeting rooms

As a part of The Kitchen you can use our meeting facilities. Please note that the meeting rooms are not to be used as workspace. To book the meeting rooms, please send an email to thekitchen@au.dk

Photo lab & Sound lab

As part of The Kitchen you have access to a photo lab & sound lab. In the photo lab you will find cameras, back drops and basic equipment. The sound lab is equipped to record podcasts. You book the labs in the same booking system as the meeting rooms. The keys for the lab can be picked up at the staff office.


If you need storage for your business you can get access to The Kitchen's joined storage rooms in the basement. The storage room has limited capacity. Please contact the staff, at thekitchen@au.dk, to get access.


If you need to print you can use the printer located on the third floor, room 322. To use the printer you need to have a 'MyPrint' account.


If you are a student or employee at Aarhus University you can connect to 'Eduroam'. Guests can connect to the wifi 'AU Guest'


Disposal of bottle deposit within the house, must go in the bin in the kitchen in Co-lab marked 'pant'. The bin for paper is only for paper, not cardboard, napkins and such. If you need to dispose of cardboard, please put your cardboard in the cardboard press in the basement building/room 1745-019. It is the room next to the washing machines and the lockers. Put it in the press and click the green button.


There is free coffee for all enrolled in The Kitchen. You will find coffee machines in Co-lab and in the lunch room.


If something in the building is out of order please use the Dalux FM app to report to Facility Management. On door handles you will see a QR code that you scan by using the app. When you have scanned the code, you can describe the incident, so Facility Management can fix it.


Open Desk

External Advisors

If you have questions regarding e.g. legal, financial, patent or other types of advisory, you can reach out to The Kitchen's external advisors for free. You can meet them in The Kitchen once (or some twice) a month for Open Desk sessions – see dates on thekitchen.io or on our Community Wall. Please check posts in the Facebook group 'The Kitchen Family' for changes in dates.

Talk to one of our Business Developers

We know from experience that a lot of you have questions you need answered before joining The Kitchen. Is this for me? How far do I have to be with my business? Can I join without an idea? What help will I get? What do I have to do? And so on. Swing by the Open Desk area every Wednesday for an informal chat with one of our Business Developers and ask your questions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Dual Career

Aarhus University offers guidance, counselling and administrative help to students who are pursuing a career as both students and entrepreneurs. Read more about how Dual Career can help you and find contact information here.


Kitchen Buddy

Talk to a Kitchen Buddy while you’re a member of The Kitchen – just reach out in the Facebook group – The Kitchen Family.

  • A startup with an office at The Kitchen will follow up, reach out, and respond to your posts.

A Buddy is a sparring partner, a familiar face, someone who helps you get a foot in the door to the entire environment at The Kitchen – networking and sharing knowledge is key!

Note! Your Buddy is not an advisor and is therefore not expected to provide strategic sparring on your business.


Communication flow

All important information will always be sent directly to your email. But all non-essential information as example: day to day news, updates from the staff, offers from the eco-system, social events and so on will primarily be posted in the internal Facebook group 'The Kitchen Family'. So we urge you to become a part of this group.

Sources of information

To be updated on The Kitchen services, workshops, current events etc. please check out the following links

Webpage: www.thekitchen.io Facebook: The Kitchen AU Instagram: @thekitchen.au LinkedIn: AU Erhverv og Innovation – The Kitchen Twitter: @TheKitchen_AU Newsletter: Sign up here

Contact information

The Kitchen Email: thekitchen@au.dk

The Kitchen staff: Find contact info here

Emergency contact

If you experience urgent problems related to the building outside office hours please call Facility Manager Michael Ammitzbøll at: 2155 1283